
C3S, as a music collecting society, will address a new, international and mainly online based market. It is an opportunity for musicians who will not or cannot join traditional collecting societies to monetise their work without having to give up their way of licensing. Giving way to a regionally less constrained model, C3S in the long run is to offer subsidiaries in all European countries providing one streamlined licensing model.

Free distribution for non-commercial use is always promoted by C3S, but may be restricted by the intention and licence of choice of the creator.

„The only way to the public is through the tightly knit ring of publishers. There sit the masters of the market, we are their wage slaves, mostly without pay. Our music is a commodity that we even have to give money to along the way.“ (Hans Sommer, composer and co-founder of the Genossenschaft Deutscher Tonsetzer, which has been terminated during the Third Reich)

Membership is going to be limited to creators only to avoid distortion of discussion topics by objectives of legal successors and publishers. Enabling the introduction to music and musical production, and promoting new ways in creation of cultural works, C3S will be open to all kinds of creators: professionals, semi-professionals and prosumers.

Additionally, cultural projects and educational programmes addressing copyright issues will be supported.

>> C3S SCE Statute